
August 31 Learn more about August 31

  • The National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products on August 31, 2015 is higher than that of last week.

    The National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products on August 31, 2015 is higher than that of last week.

    The wholesale price index of agricultural products was 214.11 on Aug. 31, down 1.51 points from last Friday, according to the Ministry of Agriculture. The wholesale price index of vegetable basket products was 217.38, down 1.82 points from last Friday. As of 14: 00:00 today, the national wholesale market for agricultural products

    2016-01-10 2015 August 31 " national agricultural products wholesale price index
  • Yunlin county government firmly opposes the import of peanuts to protect the domestic agricultural market.

    Yunlin county government firmly opposes the import of peanuts to protect the domestic agricultural market.

    November and December is the harvest season for peanuts in Yunlin County, but the Central Ministry of Finance announced in mid-August this year that the import time of peanut tariff quota will be divided into two periods: January 1 to May 31, and August 1 to October 31.

  • Spot check on key seed production bases launched

    Spot check on key seed production bases launched

    On August 31st, the second meeting of the national seed base (Zhangye) management coordination leading group 2014 was held in Zhangye City, Gansu Province. The meeting made arrangements for the sampling work of the next key seed production bases. It is reported that the seed Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture has been operating since late August.

    2016-03-20 Focus seed production base spot check operation launch August 31
  • [science and technology court] eye-opener (31) turtle crayfish 20160830

    [science and technology court] eye-opener (31) turtle crayfish 20160830

    [science and technology court] eye-opener (31) turtle crayfish 20160830

  • Fine varieties of jujube

    Fine varieties of jujube

    The fruit of Jing 39 is egg-shaped or oval-shaped, extra-large, with an average vertical and horizontal diameter of 5X4.2CM. The average weight of a single fruit is 31 grams, and the weight of a large fruit is 46 grams. Thin skin, crisp meat, juicy sweet, fragrant, edible rate of 95%, mature in mid-late September. Jing 38 is shaped like a grinding plate, purplish red, crisp and of good quality. it is used for both dry and fresh food, with an average fruit weight of 27 grams and maturing at the end of August. The fruit of Jing 31 is short oval or short cylindrical. The average single fruit weight is 8.3 grams, and the maximum fruit weight is 10.1 grams.

  • The National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products on August 15, 2014 is higher than that of yesterday.

    The National Wholesale Price Index of Agricultural products on August 15, 2014 is higher than that of yesterday.

    According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Agriculture, the national wholesale price index of agricultural products was 207.81 on August 15, down 0.53 points from yesterday. Among them, the wholesale price index of vegetable basket products was 210.31, down 0.65 points from yesterday. As of 14:00 today, pork in the national agricultural products wholesale market

    2016-03-20 2014 August 15 " National Agricultural products Wholesale Price Index
  • Nannong 88-31 (soybean)

    Nannong 88-31 (soybean)

    Nannong 88-31 was bred by soybean research institute of Nanjing Agricultural University using Suxie 1 as female parent and 7303-11-4-1 as male parent by mixed pedigree. Characteristics Nannong 88-31 yellow seed coat, round grain, glossy, seed coat does not burst, brown navel, 100 seeds weigh about 20 grams. There are about 3 branches, the plant type converges and the plant height is 110 cm. There are 40-50 pods per plant, three or four pods account for 35%, the main stem is about 22 nodes, the pod height is 22 cm, and the pod-bearing habit is sublimited. Purple flowers, brown hair

  • Design a warm-up screen for Taiwan and make its debut at the East Animation Exhibition.

    Design a warm-up screen for Taiwan and make its debut at the East Animation Exhibition.

    In order to warm up in Pingtung in October, 2019 Pingdong Animation Exhibition was officially launched at the Pingtung martial arts venue on August 28, inviting 30 CG painters and cartoonists from Taiwan to participate in the event and take the last week off before the end of the summer vacation on the 31st and September 1st.

  • Introduction of compound Feed for breeding Freshwater White Pomfret

    Introduction of compound Feed for breeding Freshwater White Pomfret

    Freshwater Pomfret is a kind of feeding fish. it is fed with compound feed in ponds, cages and running water. This is also an important measure to increase yield, promote growth and shorten the culture cycle. It has been proved by practice that using combined feeding

    2020-11-08 Aquaculture Freshwater White Pomfret compound Feed introduction
  • Wang Yang: solidly promote the pilot work of cotton target price reform

    Wang Yang: solidly promote the pilot work of cotton target price reform

    During his inspection and investigation of agricultural and rural work in Xinjiang from August 30 to August 31, Vice Premier Wang Yang stressed that carrying out the pilot project of cotton target price reform is an important measure to explore and improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products and give full play to the role of the market in allocating resources. Reform should be firm.

    2016-03-20 Wang Yang solid push cotton target price reform pilot
  • Management measures for jointing and long panicle stage of Rice

    Management measures for jointing and long panicle stage of Rice

    At present, the growth of rice in the city has gradually entered the stage of jointing and panicle growth, which is not only an important period for the transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth, but also a key period to determine yield. To do a good job in the field management of rice in the middle and later stage is very important for protecting full panicle, attacking large panicle, shaping high-yield plant type and setting up high-yield shelf. 1. Seedling characteristics according to the survey on July 21, the average leaf age of mechanically implanted rice was 12.31, 0.49 more than that of the same period last year, the average leaf age of direct seeding rice was 10.31, 0.56 more than that of last year, and the total number of tillers was 38.63.

  • Taiwan pineapple prices rise, pineapple Taiwan local prices Taipei City auction prices nearly double the same period

    Taiwan pineapple prices rise, pineapple Taiwan local prices Taipei City auction prices nearly double the same period

    In mid-March this year, due to reports that the prices of pineapples from some producing areas were not good, the Agricultural Committee successively launched three major measures of diversified marketing, export and processing, successfully stabilizing prices. The Agricultural Food Administration also announced in March that this year's "Domestic Hand-shaking Beverage Competition" started ahead of schedule, hoping to raise prices, and was held on May 31.

  • The leading variety of Dachun rice in Wenjiang in 2008

    The leading variety of Dachun rice in Wenjiang in 2008

    In order to determine the leading rice varieties suitable for our region in 2008, promote the construction of the demonstration film of "planting, three and four" high-yield projects, and do a good job in variety selection, on August 31, our district organized and held an on-site investigation meeting of new rice varieties test. The attendees first visited the demonstration film of the "planting, yield and yield four" high-yield project in Zhanqi Village, Tangchang Town, Pixian County, and the "Sichuan Variety Regional Test Station" in Shuangliu Jiujiang Town, and then visited the field site of the new rice variety experiment in Helin Village, Wanchun Town, Pixian County. 18 new rice varieties organized in our district

  • Wheat prices will keep rising steadily in the short term

    Wheat prices will keep rising steadily in the short term

    Wheat prices will keep rising steadily in the short term

  • Occurrence regularity and Control of Cotton pests under drip Irrigation

    Occurrence regularity and Control of Cotton pests under drip Irrigation

    With the large-scale application of drip irrigation cotton technology, its irrigation mode has been improved, and it transports water and nutrients uniformly and continuously to the vicinity of cotton root system, and the matching techniques of cotton cultivation are changed. as a result, the ecological environment and occurrence law of pests in cotton field have changed accordingly. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the occurrence regularity and control measures of cotton pests under drip irrigation under plastic film, so as to ensure a sustained and balanced yield increase of cotton. 1. Cotton bollworm 1. Compared with previous years, the degree of occurrence was moderately severe in 2005.

  • National Aboriginal Administrative Council promotes tribal in-depth tourism industry

    National Aboriginal Administrative Council promotes tribal in-depth tourism industry

    The Aboriginal nationalities Committee held the National Aboriginal Administrative Conference on July 31, which invited the heads of the relevant central ministries, municipalities directly under the Central Government, counties (cities) and 55 townships (towns) in indigenous areas.

  • Laying hens are out of gear to help egg prices rise again.

    Laying hens are out of gear to help egg prices rise again.

    "the price of eggs has risen before, and hot weather is the most important reason." Zhu Binglin, vice president of Shanxi Jinlong Group, explained to reporters that the high temperature caused an increase in the proportion of laying hens "resting" and a reduction in egg supply. In the case of a decline in egg production rate and egg weight, chickens across the country

    2016-01-10 Laying hens " break " help egg prices again rise.
  • Ministry of Commerce: prices of edible agricultural products were generally stable last week

    Ministry of Commerce: prices of edible agricultural products were generally stable last week

    According to the monitoring of the Ministry of Commerce, the market prices of edible agricultural products in 36 large and medium-sized cities across the country remained stable last week (August 31 to September 6), and the prices of means of production continued to fall in circulation. Last week, the price of poultry eggs rose slightly, among which the prices of eggs and white-striped chicken were higher respectively.

    2016-01-10 Ministry of Commerce last week food agricultural products prices overall stable according to
  • The hot air balloon launched in Hualien soaring season in 2014

    The hot air balloon launched in Hualien soaring season in 2014

    The 2014 Hualien soaring season made its debut in the Fenglin Town Environmental Protection Science and Technology Park. Since July 19, it has attracted many villagers with their families and children to come to feel the charm of the hot air balloon lift-off and parent-child swimming area. The 2014 Hualien ao season will end on August 31. Hualien County.

  • Hubei: Current growth situation of cotton and suggestions on field management

    Hubei: Current growth situation of cotton and suggestions on field management

    According to the investigation results on August 5, most cotton fields in our city have entered the flowering and boll period. The average density of cotton fields in our city is 1266 plants/mu. The average plant height is 90.2 cm, the number of fruit branches is 15.8, the number of empty branches is 0.1, the total number of fruit nodes is 51.1, the number of large peaches is 5.1, the number of small peaches is 2.3, the number of flowers is 1.4, the number of buds is 31.6, the number of buds and bolls is 11, and the rate of buds and bolls dropping is 21.6%. In view of the current situation, the current field management should mainly grasp the following points: First, the main attack on yield, grasp the "two disputes" This year's cotton growth is relatively high.
